PEROTOREY Blue Staffies
We breed black and blue imported champion bloodline stafforshire bull terrier puppies
Sheena of Perotorey
Fiona of Perotorey
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Staffies ❤️ Kids
Staffies is worldwide known as THE NANNY DOG due to its amazing temperament making it one of the best family dogs, loved by children.
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What you need to know about your pet’s skin and ear conditions by Virbac
What you need to know about yourpet’s skin and ear conditions? As pet owners, we all want our pets to have healthy and happy lives, and a big part of that is...

KUSA Registration Regulations & Breeding Ethics
As you might be aware, KUSA adopted a new Code of Ethics (CoE) last year which came into effect on 1 April 2020. The CoE is partitioned into various sections...
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What you need to know about your pet’s skin and ear conditions by Virbac
What you need to know about yourpet’s skin and ear conditions? As pet owners, we all want our pets to have healthy and happy lives, and a big part of that is...
Blue Staffordshire Bull Terrier BREEDERS
Only the Best Breed Stafford Puppy for Your Family. Perotorey Kennels – Blue & Black Staffy puppy breeder.
Blue Staffies for sale South Africa, Gauteng, Free State, Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth & Export Staffies Internationally to all nations in the world.